The International Big Picture Learning Credential is awarded to graduating Big Picture students on pathways to employment, further training or university. Based upon the Big Picture learning goals the credential is designed to capture and measure a broader array of student capacities, experiences and strengths than traditional assessment regimes.
In this new system students are not ranked against others but are evaluated in terms of what they know, value, can do or demonstrate, both in and out of school and over time. The aim has been to put ‘the person’ back into educational assessment so that young people exit Big Picture settings with a credential that offers rich, meaningful information about their abilities to the wider community and provides students with significant agency in the way they represent themselves.
Another key feature of this approach to assessment is that the professional judgement of Advisory teachers, who know their students well, is valued. The credential awarded to students consists of a personalised digital transcript, known as a learner profile, that represents equally their academic results and personalised information curated by students in their online portfolio.