Year 7 Transition

Transition to Year 7 at Yule Brook College

We are excited that you are considering Yule Brook College for your child as they transition from primary school to Year 7 in 2025.

Yule Brook College and the Big Picture Learning design

Yule Brook College uses the Big Picture Learning design which is an innovative type of schooling that centres education around the interest of each child. We want to help each of our students to be the best version of themselves, learning through interest, context and relationships.
Alongside developing skills and knowledge in literacy, numeracy and other learning areas, we focus on learning how to learn through meaningful work related to the interests and passions of each child.
Key elements of the Big Picture Learning design include:
  • Small advisory class and teacher who stay together for up to six years.
  • A negotiated learning plan for each student.
  • Leaving to learn – excursions and internships in later years to learn outside the school.
  • Exhibitions, where students demonstrate their learning each term to their family, Advisory teacher and class.

Transition timetable

Throughout the year we work with our partner primary schools (see below), Year 6 students and their families to provide information about, and give students a chance to experience, education at Yule Brook College.
Check out what’s coming up as your child starts the transition to high school.

Term 1 and 2

Yule Brook College staff and students visit partner primary schools to deliver workshops and information sessions.
Students attending partner primary schools will be invited to attend a Showcase Day to experience what Year 7 at YBC has to offer.

Term 3

Enrolment packs are
available from partner primary schools.
Yule Brook College staff and students visit partner primary schools to deliver workshops and information sessions.
Enrolment forms due.

Term 4

Yule Brook College staff visit primary schools to meet students and collect transition information from Year 6 students.
Orientation Day
Thursday 28 November 2024
Individual meetings for students and parents or carers with their Year 7 advisory teacher.
Friday 29 November 2024
Showcase Day – Open to students from non-partner primary schools.
Yule Brook College is excited to invite students from non-partner primary schools to join us to provide them with a “taste” of Yule Brook College’s Big Picture Advisory classes.
When: Wednesday 26 June 2024
Time: 9:15am to 3:10pm
Where: Yule Brook College Performing Arts Centre
Please confirm your child’s attendance at the Showcase Day via email with our Transition Team Leader on

How to enrol at Yule Brook College for Year 7

If your child in not currently enrolled in one of our partner primary schools, please follow the enrolment steps on the Yule Brook College Enrolment page.
We work with our partner primary schools to simplify the enrolment process for students transitioning to Year 7 in 2025. Please follow the below process if your child is currently in Year 6 at:
  • Bramfield Park Primary School,
  • East Maddington Primary School,
  • Maddington Primary School,
  • Orange Grove Primary School,
  • East Kenwick Primary School.
The first step to enrol at Yule Brook College is to collect your enrolment pack from your primary school. Please complete the Application for Enrolment (Part A) form and the Application for Enrolment (Part B) form and submit it to Yule Brook College along with copies of the relevant documentation as outlined in the application forms and your uniform pre-order form.
Once we have received your application and documentation, your application will be reviewed by the principal and your child will offered a place at Yule Brook College, if for some reason this is not possible you will be informed in writing that your child’s application was unsuccessful.
Once your child has been offered a place at Yule Brook College, they will be invited to attend an Orientation Day where your child will spend a day learning about what it is like in high school and undertaking activities to familiarise themselves with the Big Picture Learning design, the school grounds, their teachers, and new classmates.
You will receive more details about your child’s orientation day during Term 4.
You will also receive details about how to book in for an individual enrolment meeting during Term 4.
Held after Orientation Day, Individual Enrolment Meetings allow the student and their parents/guardians to meet your child’s advisory teacher and get to know each other and complete entry information to ensure a smooth transition to high school. You may also choose to collect your pre-ordered uniform at this meeting.
Students enrolling at Yule Brook College for Year 7 in 2025, who have attended orientation and completed their individual enrolment meeting, will start on Wednesday 5 February 2025. The school day starts at 8.55am so please ensure your child arrives with plenty of time.
Please ensure that your child has all the necessary school supplies, which can be found in the parent handbook.
Please ensure that you have collected your pre-ordered uniforms prior to the first day of term for students.

Our Partner Primary Schools

Logo for East Kenwick Primary School
East Kenwick
Primary School
Logo for Bramfield Park Primary School
Bramfield Park Primary School
Logo for Orange Grove Primary School
Orange Grove
Primary School
Logo for Maddington Primary School and Education Support Centre
Primary School
Logo for East Maddington Primary School
East Maddington Primary School

Staff Portal

Parent Portal

Student Portal